Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The street light hangs at shoulder height, hovering like some mechanical all-seeing eye outside my second floor window.
The closed curtains hang unevenly, a jagged crevice of cloth allowing only a sliver of light, as if peaking through a cracked door (like Poe's deranged tenant in the Tell Tale Heart).
Even during the darkest hour of a man's soul (it is currently 3:36 am) you can still hear the comings and goings of people as far as a half-mile away. If the breeze is right I can hear the elevated Red Line stop at Loyola and the robotic voice of the conductor, "Doors closing, Granville is next," in that menacing monotone.
It's alarming to know that there are people moving through the city at this late hour. Cars, trucks, the occasionally cranky motorcycle, roll within yards of where I sit. (I can't imagine how close they must feel to people living on the first floor.) No wonder the impulse to climb mountains or the increase in rent as you ascend (the penthouse always costs more than the first floor), the higher up you are the less you hear, and the safer you feel.
If I can hear them, see them, hell, sometimes smell them (or at least I can smell whatever they're smoking) then they can just as easily observe me.
I'm exposed up here in my glass bubble. We've hung no curtains or blinds. Each window is as wide open as a field with nothing to keep someone from watching me closely with even the cheapest binoculars.
It's scary up here. I've never felt so exposed in my life.
A Room Of My Own
My monitor faces a window some six feet tall and half as wide. A window the same size stands to its left so that I essentially face a wall of approximately 36 square feet of glass. Immediately to my left (so close if I reach toward it I don't have to fully extend my arm to touch the glass) are three windows, each the same six feet high, though slightly narrower. Six feet behind me is the mirror image of arranged glass as the side-by-side mirrors in front of me.
Eight feet to my right hangs a heavy curtain of luxurious red and gold, separating me from the rest of the house.
We're on the second floor some twenty feet off the ground and thee tree outside the window is twice that tall. In summer the thickest foliage abuts the building at my eye level and squirrels scamper from the trunk to my sill on a daily basis, occasionally pausing to use their little hands (with the most delicate little fingers thin as claws) to eat some found treasure (and maybe contemplate the guy on the other side of the glass...sitting in that chair and tapping his fingers against that contraption).
In the winter the trees, of course, are bare and the lower sun throws long, thin shadows., like abstract, fine lattice work.
It's very much (I imagine) like living in a glass house. When people speak of rooms with "good natural light" they're talking about my office. It's like writing in a tree house.
It's the most creation-inducing space I've ever lived in, my 50 or so square feet of sun porch.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Something I Learned Today
There are cooks and there are master chefs. There are writers and there are authors. There are basketball players and there is Michael Jordan. To reach that next level you have to learn something new about your craft every day. Either by reading someone else, by writing something you've never written or by learning a simple fact, intellectually you have to be more than you were yesterday.
Today I learned that Canada has two national sports - lacrosse is the official summer sport and ice hockey is the official winter sport. The US has no official sport, but baseball, that greatest of all games, is the national pastime, I don't care how many people watch the NFL or NASCAR.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
New Yorker Covers
And why would someone spend the time to do this? Because he wanted to see every baseball themed cover. Of the nearly 3,700 covers I found 29, starting with this cubist-inspired bad boy from May 8, 1926.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Chicago Reader Review
It turns out, that for the most part, my fears were unfounded.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
We're A Metromix Pick
We open in about 24 hours and, of course, we're hoping for a big turnout. Our chances are improved by being a Metromix Pick.
We also have listings at,, Time-Out Chicago and the Sun-Times.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
7 Days Until The Opening
Dear Miss Ryan,
As the final-round judge in this year’s Writer’s Digest playwriting contest, you selected my play, Living With Women, as second-place winner. The confidence this recognition has given me is immeasurable. The act of writing is a daily re-commitment fueled by mood swings caused by things as varied as nice weather, bad weather, finding love, losing pounds and especially receiving recognition.
I am currently in my thesis semester seeking my master’s degree in Creative Writing from the New School University. Grad students can be as miserly with praise as they can be grandiose in admiration of themselves.
Writing is a selfish act the writer is hoping (expecting?) to get praised for. We’re appalled when readers don’t get it, and somehow almost as appalled when they do, or at least surprised, and grateful. The objective affirmations one receives throughout their lifetime can usually be counted on one hand.
The only other personal experience I have with the stage was as an under-age bass player in a rock band in the late ‘80s, so I suddenly find myself being presented with one of the central questions in writing; What happens next? Do I seek an agent? Production? A director? There are innumerable and often unreadable how-to books written for a general audience of “writers.”
As someone who has seen my work, any advice or guidance you can offer is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Pablo A. Rajczyk
25-76 44th Street #2F
Astoria, NY 11103
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Holding Court
The play formerly known as Dating Courtney is now called Holding Court. I was reluctant to change the title because, frankly, I thought it was perfect - it was an accurate description of the show and it was succinct.
But Courtney wasn't thrilled with it. She was, in a way, embarrassed that her name was so prominently displayed.
My argument was that it not only described the show, but also that it’s a showcase for her, so why not put her name in the title?
But when I spit out 'holding court' during a brain-storming session it seemed no less accurate, and still included Courtney's name, thought more subtlety.
So the name, the postcard and the play itself have gone through multiple drafts. The first two will stay the same; the play still has a few tweaks to go.
So, here’s the newest (and final) postcard for Holding Court.