Sunday, August 19, 2007


Very few things promote creation like disappointment, depression and drugs.

Fortunately for me I've experienced very little of the first two of these and generally shied away from the last one (at least lately).

By most objective measurements I have a pretty good life (though, admittedly, even the most objective measurements of "quality of life" are very subjective). Is my life perfect? Far from it; I'm overworked, underpaid and generally unappreciated (though, thankfully, not by my family).

If my first statement is true (that the 3 Ds are good for creativity), and you couple that with my second statement (I'm a generally happy dude) then, by extension, I must not be very creative lately.

Happily I think I can say that this is a case where 1+1 does not equal 2. (I've never been good at math anyway...I hate all that linear thinking and certitude.)

Disappointment, depression and drugs may promote creativity, but they sure as shit don't do a damn thing for productivity.

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