Friday, January 16, 2009

Too Easy?

I'm sure that by now everyone has seen and/or heard about flight 1549's amazing landing in the Hudson river.  While this was happening Dubya was giving his farewell speech to America (and apparently no one was watching).  What's interesting to me is the metaphor invoked (coincidentally or not) by a line in this article:

Something unexpected and awesome had happened to shoulder him out of the picture: a jet gliding to a stop in the middle of the Hudson River, with everyone emerging safe.

How crazy is it that while Bush's reign of error was coming to an end (a plane crashing), something "unexpected and awesome had happened" (the election of Obama)...and everyone emerged safely from what by all accounts should have been a life ending disaster.

Maybe it's the writer in me sees metaphors in everything.  Maybe this hope thing has gotten into my bloodstream a little to emphatically.  But I can't help but see this is as an all-too-obvious analogy for the immediate past and the not-too-distant future.  I would say it was a sign, but anyone who knows me knows I don't believe in omens

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